CURRENT WEIGHT 17st, 9lbs loss of 28lbs
Can you believe it I have made it to day 33 raw! And so far and if I am not mistaken I have lost 2 stone, is that possible in just over a month unless I am getting the calculations wrong. Today is Wednesday 20th July and that is what I weighed in at. At the beginning of this journey I started at 19st 7lbs, you do the maths!
Now that I have got into my fifth week of going raw I thought instead of doing a daily journal so to speak I thought I would carry on from here on weekly basis until the end of the month and then monthly as daily, and for me in particular, it can get really boring and repetitive and to be honest I out did myself keeping the daily blogging up for so long lol. Instead I will do highlights of my week/month and anything that I have done different that I have not shown before. I thought I would also share some recipes I have been using and add them into the blog as well has doing some you tube videos as there is nothing like seeing yourself in the raw (so to speak) to make yourself accountable.
What have I learnt so far? That you can be on a raw food diet and still not lose weight, why? Because in the beginning all the raw gurus say eat anything you want but make sure its raw. Now if you are loading up on nuts like me in the beginning, loads of dehydrated stuff, lots of oils in your dressing and in your food and going for all the raw chocolate you can eat the weight loss is not going to happen, I guess it did not affect me so much in the beginning as I have a lot of weight to lose and I am still at the beginning of my journey and still have at least another 4 stone to lose if not more, so I say everything in moderation, treat yourself but don’t make it a habit is what I say!
This week so far, I have gotten rid of Able and Cole organic boxes and gone local instead. I found 2 local organic boxes in my area the first one is called Windmill Veg Box Scheme and it’s a community garden around the corner from where I live who grow organic and might I add (speaking as a Londoner or course), really cheap weekly veg box and although I will be paying for it monthly its works out that I pay £6 per week, score! Their website is if you get the chance go check the website as it has an interesting story as to how they started, I almost wanted to go and volunteer (but not quite ready for that yet lol). That one I do for just veg which is mostly salad stuff at the moment in their boxes and the other one which I do for fruit is . When I was in London eating organic was so expensive but I am spending £16 on organic fruit and veg and if I am desperate I just run down to Aldi to stock up and typically I am spending all together around £40 per week on fruit, veg and coincidentals.
Check out where I collect my veg box from!

Its Thursday and I went along the sea front to collect my veg box and to my surprise there was a vegetable that I have never seen before I looked it up and it turns out it’s a Kohlrabi, apparently its part of the brassica family and the best thing is it is best eaten raw so I cropped a piece off, diced it and put it in my salad this evening and it was lovely, its crunchy and its like having a raw crouton but this is what it looks like, looks like something out of space lol but it was actually very nice will try grating it next time.
Anyway this is the salad I made with the strange looking veg.
Saturday was another hot day and in Margate on a Saturday the beach is always packed, I passed the sea front on the way to the post office and by the time I got back it was so hot I did not feel like eating anything so, I did a lot of juicing, my first juice was 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit, 1 lime, and 1 pineapple, it was divine and it made over a pint of juice, that went in one go I have to say. Here's how I made it:
After that I made a veg juice with celery, apple, cucumber, carrots, ginger and lime and I made enough to have 2 large cups so saved some for tomorrow. Afterwards I went down stairs to watch the sun set, they are spectacular in Margate.